Upper Zone ESP / Lower Zone Injection (Seal Bore Packer Or Tubing Retrievable Packer)
System 22: Dual Zone - Single ESP -Concentric Tubing Strings

- Tailpipe Tubing
- Seal Bore Packer Or Tubing Retrievable Packer
- Spear
- Pump Support Block
- ESP Gauge
- Flush Joint Bypass Tubing
- ESP Motor
- Bypass Tubing Clamp
- MLE Cable
- ESP Seal Protector
- ESP Pump Intake
- ESP Pump
- Discharge Pressure Sub
- Discharge Head
- Telescopic Swivel
- Stinger
- Flow Crossover
- Inner Tubing (Lower Zone Injection)
- Outer Tubing (ESP Production From Upper Zone)
Simultaneous production and injection can be achieved in a single well bore. Injection into the lower zone provides pressure support for the upper production zone to increase production.
A flow crossover with high strength bypass tubing is used with a pump support. Zone isolation is either with a seal bore packer or a retrievable tubing packer.
The seal bore packer allows zonal isolation during workover, where the tubing retrievable packer does not.

- Injection to lower zone to boost upper zone reservoir pressure to increase production in a single well bore
- Ability to recycle produced water from the produced zone and recycle into the lower injection zone
- Seal bore packer allows zone isolation with an isolation valve during workover to prevent zone communication where the tubing retrievable packer does not